Wittenberg Men's Soccer Names Team Captains

Wittenberg Men's Soccer Names Team Captains
Juniors Jason Bowen (Worthington, OH/Kilbourne) and Eli Esterline (Indianapolis, IN/Cardinal Ritter) along with sophomore Alex Zysik (Perrysburg, OH/St. Francis De Sales), have been named Captains for the men's soccer program 2021-22. 
"Leadership takes on various forms and requires a commitment to and buy-in from the entire roster to be successful. In this case, the player's vision was clearly aligned with that of the coaching staff making it easy to place our trust in Jason, and Alex", said Head Coach Dwight Burgess. 
Bowen, a goalkeeper, is majoring in Sport & Business Management; Esterline, a mid-fielder, is majoring in communication; and Zysik, the squad's left-back, is studying Biochemistry. Combined, the three boast a 3.72 GPA. "On and off the field, these three represent the best of Wittenberg," said Burgess.