Field Hockey Senior Salutes

Field Hockey Senior Salutes

Wittenberg University Athletics is celebrating the Senior classes from each of the fall sports programs that missed out on their Senior Day experience. Today we highlight the four members of the Wittenberg field hockey team and hear about what they loved most about being a Wittenberg Tiger and more.


Veronica Carrow

Hometown: Edwardsville, IL


What is your favorite memory of being a student-athlete at Wittenberg?

My favorite memory from Witt FH would have to be when we played Dennison in the final round of the tournament. Dennison is usually our toughest competition. We lost the game, but it was easily the most memorable experience I had with my teammates out on the field. We all played for each other, and that was a feeling I will never forget.


What do you love most about being a Wittenberg Tiger?

Being a Wittenberg Tiger has given me such a purpose throughout my college years. I can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't find Witt.


Outside of Athletics, who is the one campus staff or faculty member that had the most impact on you during your time at Wittenberg?

My advisor, Dr. Cunningham, has made an incredible impact on me during my time at Witt. Her intro-level comm course led me to declare a major in Communication. A couple of semesters later, her Environmental Comm. class clarified what I want to do for a career in my future. I truly appreciate how she has guided and supported me over the years.


What is one piece of advice you would like to leave for the underclassmen or any recruits looking to become a part of your team in the future?

Being a college athlete is an amazing experience that can easily be taken for granted. Enjoy your time here to the absolute fullest because these are the years you will never get back.


Why should a High School Prospect choose Wittenberg?

Wittenberg has taught me so much about who I am, and how I live my life. This place is full of uniqueness and new doors to open. Most of all, Wittenberg brings you lifelong bonds with some pretty amazing people.


After graduation, how will you embrace the school's motto "Having Light, We Pass it on to Others"?

I want to take what I have learned here and use it to make a difference in the environment and get others involved.


Kennedy Malcolm

Hometown: Louisville, KY


What is your favorite memory of being a student-athlete at Wittenberg?

My favorite memory was beating Kenyon my freshmen season to advance to the NCAC Championship. It was the best game we played all season and was a true team effort. Kenyon was a great team who had beaten us twice before in the season, so it was exciting to finally come out on top.


What do you love most about being a Wittenberg Tiger?

I love the traditions Wittenberg has as a school and for each sport specifically. Also, the phrase "tiger up" because it embodies the perseverance that Wittenberg student-athletes have.


Outside of Athletics, who is the one campus staff or faculty member that had the most impact on you during your time at Wittenberg?

The one faculty member who has had the most impact on my time at Wittenberg is Dr. Bode because he presents a lot of knowledge in a fun and exciting way. Taking one of his marketing classes as an elective led me to add a marketing major.


What is one piece of advice you would like to leave for the underclassmen or any recruits looking to become a part of your team in the future?

The one piece of advice I would give is to always have a goal in sight. Having a goal to reach for makes you work harder and makes accomplishing goals more rewarding.


Why should a High School Prospect choose Wittenberg?

A high school prospect should choose Wittenberg because it is a special place that creates a special bond among the students. The community at Wittenberg is unlike any other you will find.


After graduation, how will you embrace the school's motto "Having Light, We Pass it on to Others"?

I will embrace the school's motto by always keeping the values and sense of community Wittenberg has shown me at the forefront of my future career and life.


Megan Niswonger

Hometown: Dexter, MI


What is your favorite memory of being a student-athlete at Wittenberg?

Beating Depauw I think it was my freshman year by one. Our goal had gotten a card and Depauw creates several corners against us and we had no goalie. Blaine Donnelly stepped up and became the goalie for those corners and fought them off. We ended up winning and I had the assist it was awesome.


What do you love most about being a Wittenberg Tiger?

I love that I get to compete in a sport that I love with my family away from home.


Outside of Athletics, who is the one campus staff or faculty member that had the most impact on you during your time at Wittenberg?

Jennifer Parsons, she really helped me enjoy my major and made classes interesting. She makes you want to learn.


What is one piece of advice you would like to leave for the underclassmen or any recruits looking to become a part of your team in the future?

Never take anything for granted because who knows you could lose it. It might not be a pandemic that takes if from you but always give your 100%. If you fail, fail big!!!


Why should a High School Prospect choose Wittenberg?

You should choose Wittenberg for the community here. Everyone is so nice and just helps everyone out.


After graduation, how will you embrace the school's motto "Having Light, We Pass it on to Others"?

I hope to pass my knowledge of sports on to college kids!!


Alex Reed

Hometown: Cincinnati, OH


What is your favorite memory of being a student-athlete at Wittenberg?

My favorite memory as a student-athlete was definitely freshman year when we beat DePauw for the first time in 8 years, the feeling was incredible.


What do you love most about being a Wittenberg Tiger?

I love the sense of community it gives me, Wittenberg has always been a place I've been able to be myself.


Outside of Athletics, who is the one campus staff or faculty member that had the most impact on you during your time at Wittenberg?

I'd have to say Dr. Anes because he has shown me in more ways than I can count that he is a trustworthy, accountable, and respectful human who genuinely cares about the health and success of every single one of his students. He is one of the most compassionate educators I have ever met, and he is so passionate about psychology.


What is one piece of advice you would like to leave for the underclassmen or any recruits looking to become a part of your team in the future?

Even when the season starts to get overwhelming, even when you get injured, even when you are so mentally exhausted you could cry, never take for granted the time you have on your team. Never take for granted the feeling you get when you make a save or score a goal, because one day it's all going to come to an end, so enjoy every single moment.


Why should a High School Prospect choose Wittenberg?

All of the friends and other athletes I've met at Wittenberg have slowly become my closest friends and I think Wittenberg attracts a really fun and respectful group of individuals.


After graduation, how will you embrace the school's motto "Having Light, We Pass it on to Others"?

I want to be a therapist and work with kids, I think through my education and experiences I can help a lot of people see the light in their lives and in themselves.