Hiram vs Wittenberg (Oct 09, 2010)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2010 Wittenberg Volleyball
Hiram vs #4 Wittenberg
(Oct 09, 2010 at Springfield, Ohio)

##  Player  GP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
1   Alyssa Coundourides   .000  16 
3   Shaina Bryan   32  .031 
4   Ariel Pund   25  .280 
7   Megan Woodard   10  -.100 
10  Andrea Kaminsky   14  .286 
20  Kristi Opfer   14  .071 
2   Katie Rumora   1.000 
5   Danielle Day   -1.000 
8   Kallie Rogers   .500 
11  Ashley Venable   .000 
12  Katie Love   .000 
13  Ashley Pike   .000  11 
15  Kim Sage   .000  16 
  Totals  30  15  103  .146  26  48 
Game  TA  Pct 
27  -.037 
15  45  .222 
10  31  .194 
Hiram   (0)  17  19  16     14-8, 5-1 NCAC  
Wittenberg   (3)  25  25  25     18-2, 8-1 NCAC  

   Wittenberg      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  GP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
1   Hallie Donathan   .500 
2   Amy Cox   10  -.100  36 
4   Katie Sumner   -.111 
9   Miranda Sagle   11  .182 
10  Kimmie Dyer   11  23  .391  14 
22  Jessie Batanian   27  .222 
16  Christine Simpson   16  27  .519 
20  Christina Gilene   .000  18 
  Totals  42  12  109  .275  39  51 
Game  TA  Pct 
13  35  .200 
14  43  .326 
15  31  .290 
    Site: Springfield, Ohio (Pam Smith Arena)
Date: Oct 09, 2010 Attend: 234 Time: 1:14 PM
Tie scores  10  12 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2010 Wittenberg Volleyball
Hiram vs #4 Wittenberg
(Oct 09, 2010 at Springfield, Ohio)

##  Player  GP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
1   Alyssa Coundourides   .000  16  38  .421  1.000  .000 
3   Shaina Bryan   32  .031  .000  .750  17  .850 
4   Ariel Pund   25  .280  10  .000  10  .900  17  .944 
7   Megan Woodard   10  -.100  .000  .800  .000 
10  Andrea Kaminsky   14  .286  .000  1.000  .000 
20  Kristi Opfer   14  .071  .000  .875  .000 
2   Katie Rumora   1.000  1.000  .000  .000 
5   Danielle Day   -1.000  .000  .000  1.000 
8   Kallie Rogers   .500  47  .191  .000  .000 
11  Ashley Venable   .000  .000  .000  1.000 
12  Katie Love   .000  .000  .000  .000 
13  Ashley Pike   .000  .000  .667  11  1.000 
15  Kim Sage   .000  .000  1.000  16  25  .962 
  Totals.........  30  15  103  .146  26  112  .232  53  .868  48  62  .925 
Game  TA  Pct 
27  -.037 
15  45  .222 
10  31  .194 
Hiram   (0)  17  19  16     14-8, 5-1 NCAC  
Wittenberg   (3)  25  25  25     18-2, 8-1 NCAC  

##  Player  GP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
1   Hallie Donathan   .500  .000  13  .923  .000 
2   Amy Cox   10  -.100  36  85  .424  10  .900  .000 
4   Katie Sumner   -.111  .500  15  .800  .000 
9   Miranda Sagle   11  .182  .000  .000  .000 
10  Kimmie Dyer   11  23  .391  .000  1.000  14  14  1.000 
22  Jessie Batanian   27  .222  .000  13  .923  14  .933 
16  Christine Simpson   16  27  .519  .000  .000  .000 
20  Christina Gilene   .000  .286  14  .929  18  16  1.000 
  Totals.........  42  12  109  .275  39  104  .375  74  .905  51  44  .978 
Game  TA  Pct 
13  35  .200 
14  43  .326 
15  31  .290 
    Site: Springfield, Ohio (Pam Smith Arena)
Date: Oct 09, 2010 Attend: 234 Time: 1:14 PM


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2010 Wittenberg Volleyball
Hiram vs #4 Wittenberg
(Oct 09, 2010 at Springfield, Ohio)

1st Game

For HIRV: Megan Woodard; Kristi Opfer; Shaina Bryan; Ariel Pund; Andrea Kaminsky; Alyssa Coundourides; libero Kim Sage.
For WITV: Kimmie Dyer; Amy Cox; Katie Sumner; Miranda Sagle; Hallie Donathan; Jessie Batanian; libero Christina Gilene.
0-1Point HIRV - (Jessie Batanian) Attack error by Kimmie Dyer (block by Kristi Opfer; Megan Woodard).so
0-2Point HIRV - (Shaina Bryan) Bad set by Amy Cox.
1-2Point WITV - (Shaina Bryan) Service error.so
2-2Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Kill by Miranda Sagle (from Amy Cox).
2-3Point HIRV - (Katie Sumner) Service error.so
3-3Point WITV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Christine Simpson.
3-4Point HIRV - (Amy Cox) Service error.so
For HIRV: Kallie Rogers.
4-4Point WITV - (Megan Woodard) Bad set by Megan Woodard.so
For HIRV: Danielle Day.
4-5Point HIRV - (Kimmie Dyer) Ball handling error by Amy Cox.so
5-5Point WITV - (Ariel Pund) Service error.so
For WITV: Katie Sumner.
6-5Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).
7-5Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Christine Simpson.
7-6Point HIRV - (Christina Gilene) Service error.so
For HIRV: Kristi Opfer.
8-6Point WITV - (Kim Sage) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Hallie Donathan.
8-7Point HIRV - (Hallie Donathan) Kill by Kristi Opfer (from Kallie Rogers).so
For HIRV: Alyssa Coundourides; Megan Woodard.
8-8Point HIRV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Attack error by Katie Sumner (block by Kristi Opfer; Shaina Bryan).
8-9Point HIRV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Attack error by Amy Cox.
8-10Point HIRV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Attack error by Katie Sumner (block by Kristi Opfer; Shaina Bryan).
Timeout Wittenberg.
9-10Point WITV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
9-11Point HIRV - (Jessie Batanian) Service error.so
10-11Point WITV - (Shaina Bryan) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Miranda Sagle.
11-11Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Service ace (Shaina Bryan).
12-11Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Attack error by Kristi Opfer (block by Miranda Sagle).
12-12Point HIRV - (Katie Sumner) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
13-12Point WITV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Christine Simpson.
14-12Point WITV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).
Timeout Hiram.
14-13Point HIRV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Megan Woodard (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
For HIRV: Kallie Rogers.
14-14Point HIRV - (Megan Woodard) Attack error by Miranda Sagle (block by Andrea Kaminsky).
14-15Point HIRV - (Megan Woodard) Attack error by Jessie Batanian.
15-15Point WITV - (Megan Woodard) Service error.so
For HIRV: Danielle Day.
15-16Point HIRV - (Kimmie Dyer) Kill by Shaina Bryan (from Kallie Rogers).so
16-16Point WITV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Katie Sumner.
17-16Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Bad set by Ariel Pund.
18-16Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Attack error by Shaina Bryan.
19-16Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).
Timeout Hiram.
19-17Point HIRV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Kallie Rogers).so
For HIRV: Kristi Opfer.
20-17Point WITV - (Kim Sage) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Hallie Donathan.
21-17Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Shaina Bryan.
22-17Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Kristi Opfer.
For HIRV: Alyssa Coundourides.
23-17Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Kristi Opfer.
For HIRV: Katie Love.
24-17Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Shaina Bryan.
25-17Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).

2nd Game

For WITV: Amy Cox; Hallie Donathan; Kimmie Dyer; Katie Sumner; Miranda Sagle; Jessie Batanian; libero Christina Gilene.
For HIRV: Andrea Kaminsky; Megan Woodard; Ariel Pund; Alyssa Coundourides; Kristi Opfer; Shaina Bryan; libero Kim Sage.
1-0Point WITV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Attack error by Shaina Bryan (block by Amy Cox; Katie Sumner).so
1-1Point HIRV - (Jessie Batanian) Kill by Shaina Bryan (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
2-1Point WITV - (Shaina Bryan) Kill by Katie Sumner (from Amy Cox).so
2-2Point HIRV - (Katie Sumner) Service error.so
3-2Point WITV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Christine Simpson.
4-2Point WITV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).
4-3Point HIRV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Andrea Kaminsky (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
For HIRV: Kallie Rogers.
5-3Point WITV - (Megan Woodard) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).so
For HIRV: Danielle Day.
5-4Point HIRV - (Kimmie Dyer) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Alyssa Coundourides), block error by Miranda Sagle.so
6-4Point WITV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Katie Sumner.
7-4Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).
Timeout Hiram.
8-4Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Katie Sumner), block error by Andrea Kaminsky.
8-5Point HIRV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Andrea Kaminsky (from Kallie Rogers).so
For WITV: Hallie Donathan.
9-5Point WITV - (Kim Sage) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
10-5Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Danielle Day.
Timeout Hiram.
11-5Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Kill by Hallie Donathan.
For HIRV: Ashley Pike.
12-5Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Kristi Opfer (block by Katie Sumner).
12-6Point HIRV - (Hallie Donathan) Service error.so
For HIRV: Alyssa Coundourides; Megan Woodard.
12-7Point HIRV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Kill by Shaina Bryan (from Alyssa Coundourides).
13-7Point WITV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
14-7Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Ball handling error by Alyssa Coundourides.
15-7Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Attack error by Megan Woodard.
For HIRV: Katie Rumora.
15-8Point HIRV - (Jessie Batanian) Kill by Kristi Opfer (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
16-8Point WITV - (Shaina Bryan) Service error.so
17-8Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Kill by Miranda Sagle.
18-8Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Attack error by Andrea Kaminsky.
19-8Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).
19-9Point HIRV - (Katie Sumner) Service error.so
20-9Point WITV - (Kristi Opfer) Service error.so
For WITV: Christine Simpson.
20-10Point HIRV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Andrea Kaminsky (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
For HIRV: Kallie Rogers; Ashley Pike.
20-11Point HIRV - (Ashley Pike) Service ace (Jessie Batanian).
20-12Point HIRV - (Ashley Pike) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Kallie Rogers).
20-13Point HIRV - (Ashley Pike) Kill by Andrea Kaminsky (from Alyssa Coundourides).
Timeout Wittenberg.
21-13Point WITV - (Ashley Pike) Service error.so
22-13Point WITV - (Kimmie Dyer) Service ace (Shaina Bryan).
23-13Point WITV - (Kimmie Dyer) Bad set by Kallie Rogers.
For HIRV: Ashley Venable.
23-14Point HIRV - (Kimmie Dyer) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Kallie Rogers).so
For HIRV: Shaina Bryan.
23-15Point HIRV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Andrea Kaminsky (from Kallie Rogers).
23-16Point HIRV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Kallie Rogers.
23-17Point HIRV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Shaina Bryan.
Timeout Wittenberg.
24-17Point WITV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Miranda Sagle (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Katie Sumner.
24-18Point HIRV - (Christina Gilene) Kill by Shaina Bryan (from Kallie Rogers).so
For HIRV: Kristi Opfer.
24-19Point HIRV - (Kim Sage) Kill by Shaina Bryan (from Kallie Rogers).
25-19Point WITV - (Kim Sage) Kill by Katie Sumner (from Amy Cox).so

3rd Game

For HIRV: Kristi Opfer; Megan Woodard; Ariel Pund; Alyssa Coundourides; Andrea Kaminsky; Shaina Bryan; libero Kim Sage.
For WITV: Jessie Batanian; Hallie Donathan; Amy Cox; Miranda Sagle; Katie Sumner; Kimmie Dyer; libero Christina Gilene.
1-0Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Attack error by Shaina Bryan (block by Katie Sumner).
2-0Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).
3-0Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).
3-1Point HIRV - (Jessie Batanian) Kill by Shaina Bryan (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
3-2Point HIRV - (Shaina Bryan) Kill by Kristi Opfer.
4-2Point WITV - (Shaina Bryan) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Miranda Sagle.
5-2Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Ball handling error by Alyssa Coundourides.
6-2Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Attack error by Megan Woodard.
For HIRV: Katie Rumora.
6-3Point HIRV - (Katie Sumner) Kill by Kristi Opfer (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
7-3Point WITV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Christine Simpson.
8-3Point WITV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Christina Gilene).
Timeout Hiram.
9-3Point WITV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).
9-4Point HIRV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
For HIRV: Kallie Rogers; Ashley Pike.
10-4Point WITV - (Ashley Pike) Service error.so
10-5Point HIRV - (Kimmie Dyer) Attack error by Miranda Sagle.so
11-5Point WITV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Katie Sumner.
12-5Point WITV - (Christina Gilene) Attack error by Shaina Bryan (block by Christine Simpson; Katie Sumner).
Timeout Hiram.
12-6Point HIRV - (Christina Gilene) Attack error by Katie Sumner (block by Andrea Kaminsky).so
For HIRV: Kristi Opfer.
13-6Point WITV - (Kim Sage) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Hallie Donathan.
14-6Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Attack error by Ariel Pund.
15-6Point WITV - (Hallie Donathan) Ball handling error by Kallie Rogers.
For HIRV: Alyssa Coundourides.
15-7Point HIRV - (Hallie Donathan) Kill by Kristi Opfer (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
For HIRV: Katie Rumora.
15-8Point HIRV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Kill by Katie Rumora (from Alyssa Coundourides).
16-8Point WITV - (Alyssa Coundourides) Kill by Jessie Batanian (from Amy Cox).so
17-8Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Service ace (Kim Sage).
18-8Point WITV - (Jessie Batanian) Service ace (Ariel Pund).
18-9Point HIRV - (Jessie Batanian) Attack error by Kimmie Dyer.so
19-9Point WITV - (Shaina Bryan) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
20-9Point WITV - (Katie Sumner) Service ace (Shaina Bryan).
20-10Point HIRV - (Katie Sumner) Kill by Katie Rumora (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
20-11Point HIRV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Ariel Pund.
20-12Point HIRV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Ariel Pund (from Katie Rumora).
21-12Point WITV - (Kristi Opfer) Kill by Miranda Sagle (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Christine Simpson.
21-13Point HIRV - (Amy Cox) Kill by Katie Rumora (from Alyssa Coundourides).so
For HIRV: Kallie Rogers; Ashley Pike.
22-13Point WITV - (Ashley Pike) Kill by Kimmie Dyer (from Amy Cox).so
For HIRV: Danielle Day.
23-13Point WITV - (Kimmie Dyer) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Christina Gilene).
23-14Point HIRV - (Kimmie Dyer) Attack error by Christine Simpson.so
23-15Point HIRV - (Ariel Pund) Attack error by Jessie Batanian (block by Andrea Kaminsky; Kallie Rogers).
24-15Point WITV - (Ariel Pund) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).so
For WITV: Katie Sumner.
24-16Point HIRV - (Christina Gilene) Attack error by Christine Simpson.so
For HIRV: Kristi Opfer.
25-16Point WITV - (Andrea Kaminsky) Kill by Christine Simpson (from Amy Cox).so