Season Statistics |
Season Statistics |
Game-by-Game Statistics |
Game Highs and Lows |
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Game Results |
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| Date | Location | Result | | |
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| 11/15/16 | Springfield, Ohio | Capital 65, Wittenberg 50 | Box Score | |
| 11/19/16 | Madison, N.J. - Baldwin Gymnasium | Wittenberg 53, Middlebury 62 | Box Score | |
| 11/20/16 | Madison, N.J. - Baldwin Gymnasium | Wittenberg 76, Drew 71 | Box Score | |
| 11/26/16 | Crestview Hills, Ky. - Connor Center | Wittenberg 68, Thomas More 96 | Box Score | |
| 11/27/16 | Crestview Hills, Ky. - Connor Center | Maryville (TN) 69, Wittenberg 70 | Box Score | |
| 11/30/16 | Springfield, Ohio | Kenyon College 64, Wittenberg 36 | Box Score | |
| 12/02/16 | Meaville, Pa. - David V. Wise Center | Wittenberg 75, Allegheny 72 | Box Score | |
| 12/03/16 | Hiram, Ohio - Price Gymnasium | Wittenberg 50, Hiram College 54 | Box Score | |
| 12/07/16 | Greencastle, Ind. | Wittenberg 43, DePauw University 69 | Box Score | |
| 12/10/16 | Springfield, Ohio | Denison 43, Wittenberg 41 | Box Score | |
| 12/20/16 | Richmond, Ind. (Schuckman Court) | Wittenberg 77, Earlham 57 | Box Score | |
| 12/22/16 | Tiffin, Ohio | Wittenberg 54, Heidelberg University 64 | Box Score | |
| 12/29/16 | Springfield, Ohio | Mount Saint Joseph 29, Wittenberg 73 | Box Score | |
| 12/30/16 | Springfield, Ohio | Mount Union 70, Wittenberg 37 | Box Score | |
| 01/04/17 | Gambier, OH (Tomsich Arena) | Wittenberg 40, Kenyon College 55 | Box Score | |
| 01/07/17 | Philips Gymnasium; Oberlin, OH | Wittenberg 57, Oberlin College 51 | Box Score | |
| 01/14/17 | Pam Evans Smith Arena; Springfield, Ohio | College of Wooster 48, Wittenberg 59 | Box Score | |
| 01/18/17 | Springfield, Ohio | Ohio Wesleyan 53, Wittenberg 69 | Box Score | |
| 01/25/17 | Springfield, Ohio | DePauw University 51, Wittenberg 38 | Box Score | |
| 01/28/17 | Livingston Gymnasium in Granville, Ohio | Wittenberg 42, Denison 65 | Box Score | |
| 02/03/17 | Springfield, Ohio | Allegheny 52, Wittenberg 72 | Box Score | |
| 02/04/17 | Springfield, Ohio | Hiram College 45, Wittenberg 51 | Box Score | |
| 02/11/17 | Springfield, Ohio | Oberlin College 53, Wittenberg 50 | Box Score | |
| 02/15/17 | Branch Rickey Arena; Delaware, Ohio, USA | Wittenberg 62, Ohio Wesleyan 70 | Box Score | |
| 02/18/17 | Timken Gymnasium; Wooster, Ohio | Wittenberg 45, College of Wooster 58 | Box Score | |
| 02/21/17 | Gambier, OH (Tomsich Arena) | Wittenberg 46, Kenyon College 61 | Box Score | |
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