Westerville, Ohio – The Wittenberg University track and field team took part in the NCAA Division III All-Ohio Invitational from Otterbein University on Saturday afternoon. Junior Alexis Gray stood out with a fourth-place finish in the 800m dash, crossing the line in a time of 2:20.78. Charles Rodeheffer crossed the line in the 5000m run in a time of 15:28.74 for a seventh-place finish on the day. Alexis Johnson posted a mark of 10.60m in the triple jump contest, earning a sixth-place finish. Jaycee Perry took eighth-place in the high jump competition, clearing a mark of 1.78m. Hannah Eley took eighth-place in the weight throw, completing a toss of 14.56m. Eley broke her previous weight throw record of 14.47m from 2018 with a toss of 14.56m at the All-Ohio Championships this past weekend from Otterbein University. The 4x400m relay team consisting of Jacquelyn Hayes, Alexis Walker, Taylor Barnhisel and Alexis Gray earned a fifth-place finish, putting a final time of 4:14.34 on the board.